Information for Parents / Guardians -
Info Flyer to introduce parents / guardians to the ELBC program and provide general program information.
French / Spanish / Vietnamese Translations
Parent / Student Orientation Video to inform parents / guardians and students about ELBC program details, expectations, and device care guidelines.
YouTube Video Translation Directions
CCPS Expectations for Students and Parent Support & Student Expectations to communicate clear expectations for utilizing CCPS digital applications to support instruction.
Church Street Device Distribution Flyer to inform parents / guardians and students about device pick up dates, time, location, and requirements.
**PARENT & STUDENT REQUIREMENT** - ELBC User Agreement Form must be collected from each student at the time of distribution in order to receive a Chromebook and accessories. The school must make blank copies available of English and translated forms on distribution days.
French / Spanish / Vietnamese Translations
Please Note: This is a different form than the one used for the temporary loaner device that was distributed at the start of the school year. The ELBC User Agreement Form linked to this message is required from all students for Chromebook distribution.